User manual - H411V6

Parameter list

Rem. Parameter Description Minimum Maximum Default Unit
S__Functions about storage
St_Functions about storage temperature
_t0storage room temperature-55.0145.012.0°C
_dbdead band0.050.00.0K
_tHsafety maximum room temperature-°C
_tLsafety minimum room temperature-°C
_tdsafety temperature differential0.050.00.2K
SMMstorage room humidity0.0100.090.0%
SA_Functions about air renew during storage
1SAHenable air renew during storage - reset timersoFF_onoFF/
dA6immediate delay before first air renew0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
dA7on-time duration in the air renew cycle0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
2dA8period of air renew cycle0194 4:20:1512:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
SAhenable forced air renew by keyboard short cutoFF_on_on/
dAFforced air renew duration0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
SAostart / stop forced air renewoFF_onoFF/
S2Henable air renew control by CO2 concentrationoFF_onoFF/
S2renable it also during ripeningoFF_onoFF/
S2Yenable it also when rYA is setoFF_onoFF/
3S2SCO2 concentration set point0.0100.0100.0%
S2dCO2 concentration differential0.050.05.0%
Fd_Functions about defrost duration and timing
4Fd0immediate delay before next defrost0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
Fddon-time duration of the defrost0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
Fdgdripping time after defrost0194 4:20:152:00dd hh:mm:ss
FdEevaporator fan activation delay after the defrost0194 4:20:1515:00dd hh:mm:ss
2FdPoverall period of the defrost0194 4:20:154:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
FF_Functions about forced defrost
FFhenable forced defrost by keyboard short cutoFF_on_on/
FFdforced defrost duration0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
5FFostart immediate forced defrostoFF_onoFF/
FP_Functions about defrost preference
6FPtdefrost type: 0=none / 1=pause / 2=air / 3=electric / 4=hot gas / 5=heat pump / 6=heat pump by hp02552/
Ft_Functions about defrost temperature
7Fttdefrost stop temperature-55.0146.06.0°C
r__Functions about ripening
rH_Enable ripening functions and short cut
8rrHenable ripening functions - reset timersoFF_onoFF/
rrhenable toggling between ripening and storage by keyboard short cutoFF_on_on/
rt_Functions about ripening temperature and humidity
_d0immediate delay before starting ripening0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
_t1ripening temperature nr. 1-°C
_d1duration of temperature nr. 10194 4:20:154 0:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
_t2ripening temperature nr. 2-°C
_d2duration of temperature nr. 20194 4:20:151 0:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
_t3ripening temperature nr. 3-°C
_d3duration of temperature nr. 30194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
_t4ripening temperature nr. 4-°C
_d4duration of temperature nr. 40194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
9_t5ripening temperature nr. 5-°C
rMMripening humidity0.0100.090.0%
rMdripening humidity differential0.050.05.0%
rY_Functions about ethylene
10rYHenable ethylene injection - reset timersoFF_onoFF/
11YYbuse ethylene probe to control injectionsoFF_onoFF/
rYYripening ethylene concentration0.099.025.010*ppm
rYdripening ethylene concentration differential0.099.05.010*ppm
12dY0immediate delay before starting ripening0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
13_tYminimum temperature before injecting ethylene-°C
dY2first ethylene injection duration0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
_nYnumber of following ethylene cycles of injection02550/
14dY3delay between first ethylene injections end and following cycles0194 4:20:151 0:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
dY4on-time duration of following ethylene injection cycles0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
15dY5period of following ethylene injection cycles0194 4:20:1512:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
rYhenable forced ethylene injection by keyboard short cutoFF_on_on/
dYFforced ethylene injection duration0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
rYostart / stop forced ethylene injectionoFF_onoFF/
16rYAfirst ethylene injection performed but air renew not yetoFF_onoFF/
rA_Functions about air renew during ripening
rAHenable air renew cycles during ripening - reset timersoFF_onoFF/
_nAnumber of air renew cycles0998/
14dA3delay between first ethylene injection end and first air renew end0194 4:20:151 0:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
dA4on-time duration in the air renew cycle0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
15dA5period of air renew cycle0194 4:20:1512:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
rAhenable forced air renew by keyboard short cutoFF_on_on/
rAFforced air renew duration0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
rAostart / stop forced air renewoFF_onoFF/
HP_Heating preference
HPPheating method: 0=none / 1=electric / 2=hot gas / 3=heat pump / 4=intern heat pump / 5=ihp202552/
HFPforce heating during defrostoFF_onoFF/
n__Functions about fans
nU_Functions about depression fans
nUSnumber of depression fans during storage032/
nUrnumber of depression fans during ripening033/
nUHnumber of depression fans during heating033/
nU0number of depression fans when refrigeration is required but does not work031/
nUddelay before establishing that refrigeration does not work0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
17nS0speed regulation of depression fans when refrigeration does not work025532/
nS1speed regulation of depression fan nr. 1 during storage0255128/
nS2speed regulation of depression fan nr. 2 during storage0255128/
nS3speed regulation of depression fan nr. 3 during storage0255128/
nr1speed regulation of depression fan nr. 1 during ripening0255255/
nr2speed regulation of depression fan nr. 2 during ripening0255255/
nr3speed regulation of depression fan nr. 3 during ripening0255255/
nH1speed regulation of depression fan nr. 1 during heating0255255/
nH2speed regulation of depression fan nr. 2 during heating0255255/
nH3speed regulation of depression fan nr. 3 during heating0255255/
nv1speed regulation of depression fan nr. 1 during reverse rotation025532/
nv2speed regulation of depression fan nr. 2 during reverse rotation025532/
nv3speed regulation of depression fan nr. 3 during reverse rotation025532/
18nvMspeed reversal mode: 0=none / 1=once / 2=auto / 3=also in storage02552/
nvPperiod of automatic speed reversal0194 4:20:151:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
nvdduration of automatic speed reversal0194 4:20:155:00dd hh:mm:ss
nvEduration of forced speed reversal0194 4:20:1510:00dd hh:mm:ss
19nU1control of fan nr. 1: 0=not installed / 1=on-off / 2=on-board / 3=M-Max VFD / 4=DE102551/
nU2control of fan nr. 2: 0=not installed / 1=on-off / 2=on-board / 3=M-Max VFD / 4=DE102551/
nU3control of fan nr. 3: 0=not installed / 1=on-off / 2=on-board / 3=M-Max VFD / 4=DE102551/
nUEenable automatic fan regulationoFF_onoFF/
nUFpass at manual speed during heatingoFF_on_on/
20nUAlow quality reference for speed regulation010050/
nUbhigh quality reference for speed regulation0100100/
17n1Amaximum speed regulation of fan nr. 1, attained at low quality0255255/
n1bminimum speed regulation of fan nr. 1, attained at high quality025532/
n2Amaximum speed regulation of fan nr. 2, attained at low quality0255255/
n2bminimum speed regulation of fan nr. 2, attained at high quality025532/
n3Amaximum speed regulation of fan nr. 3, attained at low quality0255255/
n3bminimum speed regulation of fan nr. 3, attained at high quality025532/
21nUUquality factor0255100/
22nULroom load factor0255100/
23nUtspeed regulation smoothing0255100/
nE_Functions about evaporator fans
nEHforce evaporator fans when refrigeration is offoFF_onoFF/
nEMforce evaporator fans when humidification is onoFF_onoFF/
nE0enable evaporator fans when refrigeration is required but does not workoFF_onoFF/
nA_Functions about electric power
nAFget depression fan power from VFD/inverteroFF_onoFF/
nA1power of depressure fan nr. 10.00065.5350.000kW
nA2power of depressure fan nr. 20.00065.5350.000kW
nA3power of depressure fan nr. 30.00065.5350.000kW
nAEevaporator fan power0.00065.5350.000kW
P__Functions about master preferences
Pd_Functions about network address
PdMmaster address for global network communication02541/
PdSnumber of slaves connected to this master122/
Pd2number of auxiliary masters connected to this master022/
PO_Output assignment
PO2assign out-2 relay to: 0=alarm / 1=humidifier / 2=defrost / 3=OUT-102551/
c__Functions about door and light
cO_Functions about door
24cOhenable door operation from keyboardoFF_on_on/
25cOFenable door flashing light in case of alarmoFF_on_on/
26cOddelay between pushing button and door opening or closure0194 4:20:152dd hh:mm:ss
cOHenable door automatic closureoFF_onoFF/
cCddelay of door automatic closure0194 4:20:1530dd hh:mm:ss
cOUenable depressure, refrigeration and other output when door is not closedoFF_onoFF/
cOYenable door opening after first ethylene injection and before first air renewoFF_on_on/
cI_Functions about light
27cIOswitch on the light during door operationoFF_on_on/
cIHswitch on the light when the door is open and off when closedoFF_on_on/
28cIoswitch off the light automatically if it has been switched on from outsideoFF_on_on/
cIddelay of light automatic switch off0194 4:20:1530dd hh:mm:ss
cc_Functions about curtain operation
29cchenable curtain operation from keyboardoFF_onoFF/
30ccckeyboard in curtain modeoFF_onoFF/
27ccOenable curtain operation when door is not openoFF_onoFF/
27ccIenable curtain operation when light is offoFF_onoFF/
v__Functions about electronic expansion valve
vP_Functions about electronic expansion valve preference
31vPHenable electronic expansion valveoFF_on_on/
vPPrefrigerant gas type: 0=R134A / 1=R404A / 2=R507A / 3=R22 / 4=R407C / 5=R407F / 6=R407A / 7=R410A / 8=R290 / 9=R1270 / 10=R744 / 11=R717 / 12=R1234y / 13=R1234z / 14=R449A / 15=R448A / 16=R452A / 17=R450A / 18=R513A / 19=R407H / 20=R23 / 21=R455A02550/
32vPdnetwork originating address of the pressure broadcast02550/
vPSsynchronize the liquid solenoid start with the central unitoFF_onoFF/
vP0delay before establishing that not enough info is received from the central unit0194 4:20:155:00dd hh:mm:ss
vt_Functions about electronic expansion valve temperature
33vttwanted overheating (similar to Danfoss thermostatic overheating spring regulation)
34vtHmaximum overheating0.099.099.0K
35vtLminimum overheating0.099.06.0K
vtUmaximum pressure allowed in the suction line (similar to Danfoss MOP) bar
vd_Functions about electronic expansion valve timing
36vd1on-off duty cycle duration0194 4:20:158dd hh:mm:ss
37vd2on duty cycle duration at refrigeration start (set to 0 for previous stop value)0194 4:20:155dd hh:mm:ss
38vddon duty cycle adaptation speed (low value for slow adaptation and small swinging)02558/
vF_Functions about turbo mode (forcing-on the expansion valve)
39vFPturbo mode: 0=off / 1=on / 2=auto02552/
vFdturbo mode delay0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
vFHsuction pipe overheating for turbo mode activation0.099.012.0K
vFtdifference between product and set point required for turbo mode0.099.01.0K
vb_Functions about cooling capacity boost (raising a flag for the central unit)
vbPboost mode: 0=off / 1=on / 2=auto02552/
vbdboost mode delay0194 4:20:151:00:00dd hh:mm:ss
40vbHproduct descent ramp, per hour, under which boost mode is activated0.099.00.5K
vbtdifference between product and set point required for boost mode0.099.02.0K
vC_Functions about cooling capacity reduction
41vCHcooling capacity reductionoFF_on_on/
19vCAfixed cooling capacity limit025510/
19vCbvariable cooling capacity limit025530/
vCPproduct descent ramp, per hour, required to allow capacity reduction0.099.00.2K
b__Functions about probe calibration
b1_Probe nr. 1
b1Ccalibration offset-
b1Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b1Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_on_on/
b1Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_on_on/
b2_Probe nr. 2
b2Ccalibration offset-
b2Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_on_on/
b2Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_on_on/
b2Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_on_on/
b3_Probe nr. 3
b3Ccalibration offset-
b3Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b3Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b3Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b4_Probe nr. 4
b4Ccalibration offset-
b4Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_on_on/
b4Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_on_on/
b4Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_on_on/
b5_Probe nr. 5
b5Ccalibration offset-
b5Ause probe to calculate room humidityoFF_on_on/
b6_Probe nr. 6
b6Ccalibration offset-*ppm
b6Ause probe to calculate room ethyleneoFF_onoFF/
b7_Probe nr. 7
b7Ccalibration offset-
b7Ause probe to calculate suction pressureoFF_on_on/
b8_Probe nr. 8
b8Ccalibration offset-
b8Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_on_on/
b8Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_on_on/
b8Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_on_on/
b9_Probe nr. 9
b9Ccalibration offset-
b9Ause probe to calculate CO2 concentrationoFF_onoFF/
b_1Functions about probe calibration - auxiliary master 1
b11Probe nr. 1
11Ccalibration offset-
11Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
11Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
11Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b12Probe nr. 2
12Ccalibration offset-
12Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
12Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
12Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b13Probe nr. 3
13Ccalibration offset-
13Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
13Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
13Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b14Probe nr. 4
14Ccalibration offset-
14Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
14Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
14Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b15Probe nr. 5
15Ccalibration offset-
15Aenable probeoFF_onoFF/
b16Probe nr. 6
16Ccalibration offset-
16Aenable probeoFF_onoFF/
b17Probe nr. 7
17Ccalibration offset-
17Aenable probeoFF_onoFF/
b18Probe nr. 8
18Ccalibration offset-
18Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
18Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
18Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b_2Functions about probe calibration - auxiliary master 2
b21Probe nr. 1
21Ccalibration offset-
21Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
21Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
21Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b22Probe nr. 2
22Ccalibration offset-
22Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
22Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
22Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b23Probe nr. 3
23Ccalibration offset-
23Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
23Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
23Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b24Probe nr. 4
4224Ccalibration offset-
24Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
24Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
24Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
b25Probe nr. 5
4325Ccalibration offset-
25Aenable probeoFF_onoFF/
b26Probe nr. 6
26Ccalibration offset-
26Aenable probeoFF_onoFF/
b27Probe nr. 7
27Ccalibration offset-
27Aenable probeoFF_onoFF/
b28Probe nr. 8
4428Ccalibration offset-
28Ause probe to calculate product average temperatureoFF_onoFF/
28Suse probe for safety temperatureoFF_onoFF/
28Luse probe for alarm temperatureoFF_onoFF/
L__Functions about alarm and stand-by
Lt_Temperature alarm
45LtLlow temperature alarm set point-55.0145.0-2.0°C
46LtHhigh temperature alarm set point-55.0145.014.0°C
Ltdalarm delay0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
LC_CO2 alarm
LCLlow CO2 level alarm set point0.0100.00.0%
LCHhigh CO2 level alarm set point0.0100.0100.0%
LCdalarm delay0194 4:20:1530:00dd hh:mm:ss
Lo_On / stand-by status
47Looactual status: stand-by or onoFF_onoFF/
d__Functions about delays
dF_Delay from previous stop
dF6delay from request to activation of OUT-6: heating0194 4:20:153:00dd hh:mm:ss
I__Functions about input-output and machine state (read only)
IA_Analog inputs
IA1analog input 1 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA2analog input 2 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA3analog input 3 (suction temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA4analog input 4 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA5analog input 5 (humidity)0.0100.00.0%
IA6analog input 6 (ethylene)0.0999.00.010*ppm
IA7analog input 7 (low pressure)0.0999.00.0(gauge) bar
IA8analog input 8 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
3IA9analog input 9 (CO2)0.0100.00.0%
Id_Digital input
Id1digital input 1 (ethylene hardware safety)oFF_onoFF/
Id2digital input 2 (evaporator hardware safety)oFF_onoFF/
Id3digital input 3 (heating hardware safety)oFF_onoFF/
Id4digital input 4 (unused)oFF_onoFF/
Id5digital input 5 (phase-1 software safety )oFF_onoFF/
OA_Analog output
OA1analog output "FAN"02550/
OA2analog output "I out"02550/
Od_Digital output
Od1digital output 1 (refrigeration solenoid)oFF_onoFF/
Od2digital output 2 (steam producer)oFF_onoFF/
Od3digital output 3 (air renew)oFF_onoFF/
Od4digital output 4 (ethylene)oFF_onoFF/
Od5digital output 5 (evaporator)oFF_onoFF/
Od6digital output 6 (heating)oFF_onoFF/
Od7alarm - eventually connected to relay nr. 2oFF_onoFF/
Od8defrost - eventually connected to relay nr. 2oFF_onoFF/
OS_Machine status
Idodoor fully openoFF_onoFF/
Idcdoor fully closedoFF_onoFF/
Idhdoor safetyoFF_onoFF/
IdPdoor is presumed to be closed, combining history of door closure and safetyoFF_onoFF/
Ib7button B8 is pressedoFF_onoFF/
Ib8button B7 is pressedoFF_onoFF/
In1safety of depressure fan 1oFF_onoFF/
In2safety of depressure fan 2oFF_onoFF/
In3safety of depressure fan 3oFF_onoFF/
OS0actual set point-55.0145.0-55.0°C
OS1low pressure (LP)0.0999.00.0(gauge) bar
OS2refrigerant saturation temperature corresponding to the low pressure-55.0145.0-55.0°C
OS3refrigerant overheating at the evaporator outlet-999.0999.0-999.0K
OS4product average temperature-55.0145.0-55.0°C
OS5product temperature standard deviation0.0999.0-999.0K
OS6air average temperature-55.0145.0-55.0°C
OS7air temperature standard deviation0.0999.0-999.0K
40OS8product descent ramp, per hour-999.0999.0-999.0K
OSrripening status: 0=off / 1=immediate delay / 2=t1 / 3=t2 / 4=t3 / 5=t4 / 6=t502550/
OStripening timer (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
OSYethylene status: 0=off / 1=immediate delay / 2=waiting for temperature / 3=first on / 4=first over / 5=following on / 6=following pause / 7=ended / 8=forced02550/
OSUethylene timer (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
OnYremaining following-ethylene-cycles-of-injection, including the one eventually running02550/
OSbripening air renew status: 0=off / 1=waiting for ethylene / 2=first pause / 3=on / 4=pause / 5=ended / 6=forced02550/
OSvripening air renew timer (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
OnAremaining air-renew-cycles, including the one eventually running02550/
OSAstorage air renew status: 0=off / 1=immediate delay / 2=on / 3=pause / 4=forced02550/
OSXstorage air renew timer (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
OSSdefrost status: 1=normal / 2=defr / 3=drip / 4=fan delay / 5=forced / 6=wait02550/
OSFdefrost timer (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
OSdauxiliary master 1 status: 0=off / 1=ok / 2=check / 3=reconnect / 4=none / 5=lost02550/
OSEauxiliary master 2 status: 0=off / 1=ok / 2=check / 3=reconnect / 4=none / 5=lost02550/
LLAactual alarm - read only (0 means no alarm)02550/
OSnevaporator fan stopped by door opening or manual controloFF_onoFF/
Ododoor is openingoFF_onoFF/
Odcdoor is closingoFF_onoFF/
OdFdoor light is flashingoFF_onoFF/
OdLroom lightingoFF_onoFF/
Ocucurtain is unrollingoFF_onoFF/
Ocrcurtain is rollingoFF_onoFF/
On1depressure fan 1oFF_onoFF/
On2depressure fan 2oFF_onoFF/
On3depressure fan 3oFF_onoFF/
Onnall of the installed depressure fans are rotatingoFF_onoFF/
On0refrigeration is required but not workingoFF_onoFF/
Ot1speed regulation of depressure fan 102550/
Ot2speed regulation of depressure fan 202550/
Ot3speed regulation of depressure fan 302550/
OvMfan speed reversal in progressoFF_onoFF/
Ovttimer for speed reversal (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
Ov0timer for not enough info (in countdown-mode)0194 4:20:150dd hh:mm:ss
Ov1not enough info is received from the central unitoFF_onoFF/
OSCcooling capacity reductionoFF_onoFF/
Onvliquid refrigerant required from the central unitoFF_onoFF/
OnHhot gas required from the central unitoFF_onoFF/
OnFturbo modeoFF_onoFF/
Onbboost modeoFF_onoFF/
OC_Functions about power and consumption
OC0total electric power0.00065.5350.000kW
OC1power of depressure fan nr. 10.00065.5350.000kW
OC2power of depressure fan nr. 20.00065.5350.000kW
OC3power of depressure fan nr. 30.00065.5350.000kW
OCEevaporator fan power0.00065.5350.000kW
OCCtotal historical consumption0.00655.350.00MWh
OU_Functions about ripening quality during previous cycle
OUnripening serial number0655350/
OUdripening duration in hours, summing from _d1 to _d402550/
OUIinitial product quality - ripening input01000/
OUOfinal product quality - ripening output01000/
OUUripening process quality01000/
OUCripening process consumption0655350kWh
Ov_Functions about ripening quality during actual cycle
Ovdripening duration in hours, summing from _d1 to _d402550/
OvIinitial product quality - ripening input01000/
OvOfinal product quality - ripening output01000/
OvUripening process quality01000/
OvCripening process consumption0655350kWh
I1AAnalog inputs - auxiliary master 1
IA1analog input 1 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA2analog input 2 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA3analog input 3 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA4analog input 4 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA5analog input 5 (percentage of sensor range)0.0100.00.0%
IA6analog input 6 (percentage of sensor range)0.0100.00.0%
IA7analog input 7 (percentage of sensor range)0.0100.00.0%
IA8analog input 8 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
I1dDigital input
Id1digital input 1oFF_onoFF/
Id2digital input 2oFF_onoFF/
Id3digital input 3oFF_onoFF/
Id4digital input 4oFF_onoFF/
Id5digital input 5oFF_onoFF/
O1AAnalog output
OA1analog output "FAN"02550/
OA2analog output "I out"02550/
O1dDigital output
Od1digital output 1oFF_onoFF/
Od2digital output 2oFF_onoFF/
Od3digital output 3oFF_onoFF/
Od4digital output 4oFF_onoFF/
Od5digital output 5oFF_onoFF/
Od6digital output 6oFF_onoFF/
I2AAnalog inputs - auxiliary master 2
IA1analog input 1 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA2analog input 2 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA3analog input 3 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA4analog input 4 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
IA5analog input 5 (percentage of sensor range)0.0100.00.0%
IA6analog input 6 (percentage of sensor range)0.0100.00.0%
IA7analog input 7 (percentage of sensor range)0.0100.00.0%
IA8analog input 8 (temperature)-55.0145.0-55.0°C
I2dDigital input
Id1digital input 1oFF_onoFF/
Id2digital input 2oFF_onoFF/
Id3digital input 3oFF_onoFF/
Id4digital input 4oFF_onoFF/
Id5digital input 5oFF_onoFF/
O2AAnalog output
OA1analog output "FAN"02550/
OA2analog output "I out"02550/
O2dDigital output
Od1digital output 1oFF_onoFF/
Od2digital output 2oFF_onoFF/
Od3digital output 3oFF_onoFF/
Od4digital output 4oFF_onoFF/
Od5digital output 5oFF_onoFF/
Od6digital output 6oFF_onoFF/
v1_Status of VFD / inverter nr. 1
48v1Foutput frequency-327.68327.67-327.68Hz
v1Ucurrent to the motor0.00655.350.00A
v1vtension to the motor0.06553.50.0V
v1Apower input to the motor0.00065.5350.000kW
v1tVFD temperature-55.0145.0-55.0°C
v1SVFD status: 0=off / 1=ok / 2=check / 3=reconnect / 4=none / 5=lost02550/
v1LVFD alarm02550/
v2_Status of VFD / inverter nr. 2
v2Foutput frequency-327.68327.67-327.68Hz
v2Ucurrent to the motor0.00655.350.00A
v2vtension to the motor0.06553.50.0V
v2Apower input to the motor0.00065.5350.000kW
v2tVFD temperature-55.0145.0-55.0°C
v2SVFD status: 0=off / 1=ok / 2=check / 3=reconnect / 4=none / 5=lost02550/
v2LVFD alarm02550/
v3_Status of VFD / inverter nr. 3
v3Foutput frequency-327.68327.67-327.68Hz
v3Ucurrent to the motor0.00655.350.00A
v3vtension to the motor0.06553.50.0V
v3Apower input to the motor0.00065.5350.000kW
v3tVFD temperature-55.0145.0-55.0°C
v3SVFD status: 0=off / 1=ok / 2=check / 3=reconnect / 4=none / 5=lost02550/
v3LVFD alarm02550/
E__Functions about slave preferences
Ed_Functions about network address
EdSslave address for local network communication12541/
EY_Functions about display
EYYinput to show on display: 0=average temperature / 1=AN1 / 2=AN2 / ...02550/
EYSvalue set by shortcut, during ripening: 0=_t0 / 1=_t1 / … / 5=_t5 / 6=current066/
EYrenable display rotation: 0=off / 1=all / 2=selected020/
E0_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=1
E0dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E0Eduration of value display during rotation02552/
E1_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E1dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E1tlabel text during rotation000yyyrM=/
E1Eduration of value display during rotation02554/
E2_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E2dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E2tlabel text during rotation000yyyX1=/
E2Eduration of value display during rotation02554/
E3_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E3dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E3tlabel text during rotation000yyySU=/
E3Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
E4_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E4dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E4tlabel text during rotation000yyyX2=/
E4Eduration of value display during rotation02554/
E5_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E5dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E5tlabel text during rotation000yyyrH=/
E5Eduration of value display during rotation02554/
E6_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E6dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E6tlabel text during rotation000yyyEt=/
E6Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
E7_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E7dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E7tlabel text during rotation000yyyLP=/
E7Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
E8_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E8dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E8tlabel text during rotation000yyyX3=/
E8Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
E8bFunctions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E8dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E8tlabel text during rotation000yyyc2=/
E8Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
E9_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
E9dduration of label display during rotation02551/
E9tlabel text during rotation000yyy_t=/
E9Eduration of value display during rotation02554/
F0_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F0dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F0tlabel text during rotation000yyyLP=/
F0Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
F1_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F1dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F1tlabel text during rotation000yyyLt=/
F1Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
F2_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F2dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F2tlabel text during rotation000yyyoh=/
F2Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
F3_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F3dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F3tlabel text during rotation000yyyAv=/
F3Eduration of value display during rotation02554/
F4_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F4dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F4tlabel text during rotation000yyyvr=/
F4Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
F5_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F5dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F5tlabel text during rotation000yyyAA=/
F5Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
F6_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F6dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F6tlabel text during rotation000yyyvA=/
F6Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
F7_Functions about display rotation, when EYr=2 (repeated for each parameter)
F7dduration of label display during rotation02551/
F7tlabel text during rotation000yyyMP=/
F7Eduration of value display during rotation02550/
Eb_Functions about buzzer
EbHenable buzzer011/
Eh_Functions about keyboard
EhcB6 action on the curtain: 0=unrolls / 1=rolls010/
EF_Functions about slave default
EFFreload slave default parameters from EEPROM, at next restart010/

Parameter remarks

Nr. Remark
1During off-time counters continue to count and output is disabled. At reset command they stop and their value is reset. They are restarted by on command. The minus sign on display ("-") means that you already reset timers.
2The period of each cycle includes on-time + off-time, that is the overall duration of the cycle.
3In percentage over the sensor range
4Defrost is not performed twice in case safety switches of mc or evaporator are not ok.
5Following defrost cycles will be aligned to the end of forced one.
6Add 100 to FPt parameter to enable the outer defrost drive on INP-4. The defrost is initiated by INP-4 closure; after defrost and until INP-4 is closed, the instrument does not leave the dripping mode, to coordinate with eventual other instruments.
7In case of hot gas defrost, both IA2 and IA3 must reach Ftt.
8The "oFF" command disables the ripening functions and enables the storage. The ripening timers continue however to run also if their output is disabled. To restart the ripening timers, please do the "rES" (reset) command. The "on_" command enables the ripening functions without restarting the timers. To begin a new ripening cycle, please do the "rES" command. The minus sign on display ("-") means that you have already reset the timers.
9At the end of the ripening cycle the temperature is set to t5 until the manual reset of the ripening cycle.
10The stop command resets forced operation counter.
11In case of probe control, ethylene timers and settings are not used. You can still activate forced injections. In case of disabled probe, rYY is used to control curtain string motor when curtain is idle.
12To synchronize ethylene injection and ripening start, set dY0 = _d0.
13First ethylene injection is delayed until room temperature reaches _tY. _tY has no effect over following ethylene injections.
14To synchronize the beginning of further ethylene injections and air renews, set dY3=dA3.
15To synchronize the cycles of further ethylene injections and air renews, set dY3=dA3.
16Set by the microcontroller - can be manually overwritten.
17For variable-frequency drive (also named VFD or inverter), all of the speed regulation values are integer numbers expressing the output frequency in Hz; do not exceed 50 Hz unless you are instructed so. For thyristor on-board regulation, instead, the speed values range between 0 and 255, where 255 is the maximum speed.
18Add 10 to suspend reversal during air renew; add 5 to regulate fan speed during reversal.
19The description of this command is a mnemonic; further detail is available on demand.
20Under low quality reference, the fans rotate at maximum value; over high quality reference, the fans rotate at minimum value; in the middle, the fans rotate at the interpolated value.
21The reference is 100; increase it for higher quality; decrease it for lower consumption.
22Set it to 100 when the room is fully loaded, at full pallet capacity; reduce it in proportion to the effective number of loaded pallets, for partial load.
23Use higher values for lower adaptation rapidity.
24Door operation disables every other keyboard operation.
25The first pressure of push button inside the room - near the door - switches on the light, the second one opens the door, the third one activates the "man in room" alarm.
26During the delay the flashing light is on.
27For your safety, do not modify this parameter. This setting is supposed to be used just in case of emergency or testing.
28No action if the light is switched on from inside the room.
29Curtain operation disables every other operation keyboard operation.
30For safety reason, door operation is disabled when curtain is enabled. Unrolling can be started also by a push button located near the depressure box, inside the room.
31When off, the refrigeration solenoid is steadily on during cooling, as long as overheating is higher then vtL or b3A is off.
32The address of the central unit who is broadcasting pressure (usually 1). Use 0 for previous application H425V1 with no origin specification.
33Caution! Low overheating causes liquid return and compressor damage.
34Overheating over the maximum forces valve anticipated opening.
35Overheating under the minimum delays valve opening.
36Caution! Short duty cycle reduces valve life.
37Caution! Low overheating causes liquid return and compressor damage.
38Caution! High adaptation speed causes swing in the suction line and damage to the compressor.
39In turbo mode, the liquid refrigerant solenoid opens over vtt overheating, and closes at vtL. In H422V9, starting from revision 34, to enable turbo during heat pump, add 10 for on-mode and 20 for auto-mode.
40Positive values mean temperature descent.
41Activate it to increase product color uniformity. The refrigeration capacity is then modulated according to the product requirement.
42In H411V6, starting from revision 09, when the value of this parameter 23C is non-zero, while 23A, 23S, and 23L are all off, use this value as alarm threshold for the absolute difference between set point temperature and whichever product probe, use LCd as alarm delay, share the timer with the low CO2 alarm, and generate alarm A29, excessive set distance.
43In H411V6, starting from revision 09, when the value of this parameter 24C is non-zero, while 24A, 24S, and 24L are all off, use this value, instead of _tL, as safety minimum temperature for product probes, and use this value, instead of LtL, as low-temperature alarm threshold for product probes; use Ltd as alarm delay, share the timer with the low temperature alarm, and generate alarm A28, low product temperature. Keep _tL as safety minimum temperature for air probes, and keep LtL as low-temperature alarm threshold for air probes.
44In H411V6, starting from revision 09, when the value of this parameter 28C is non-zero, while 28A, 28S, and 28L are all off, use this value as alarm threshold for product probe spread, use Ltd as alarm delay, share the timer with the high temperature alarm, and generate alarm A27, excessive probe spread.
45The low temperature differential is fixed, and alarm status stops at 0.2 °C above the set point.
46The high temperature differential is fixed, and alarm status stops at 0.2 °C under the set point.
47Passing from stand-by to on and at power on, there is a 5 second delay spent in a virtual stand-by.
48Negative values mean reverse rotation.

Alarm list

Display Alarm
A01low temperatureLow temperature limit has been reached.
A02high temperatureHigh temperature limit has been reached.
A03ethylene alarmThe ethylene safety device has disconnected.
A04evaporator alarmEvaporator thermal relay, or other evaporator safety device has disconnected.
A05heating alarmThe heating safety device has disconnected.
A06door openTime limit for door opening has been reached.
A07phase alarmHeating overload/thermal relay disconnected, or missing mains phase - manual reset.
A08fan 1 alarmDepressure fan overload/thermal relay disconnected.
A09fan 2 alarmDepressure fan overload/thermal relay disconnected.
A10fan 3 alarmDepressure fan overload/thermal relay disconnected.
A11man in room alarmSomebody remained trapped inside the room.
A12RTC memory lossMemory loss of real time clock [RTC] - timer reset.
A13EEPROM invalidEEPROM invalid.
A14EEPROM read startEEPROM read start failure
A15EEPROM read endEEPROM read end failure
A16EEPROM write startEEPROM write start failure.
A17EEPROM write endEEPROM write end failure.
A18EEPROM write maxEEPROM failure - reached the maximum number of writing attempts.
A19low CO2Low CO2 limit has been reached.
A20high CO2High CO2 limit has been reached.
A21inverter-1 no-linkMissing or lost connection for the VFD / inverter nr. 1.
A22inverter-2 no-linkMissing or lost connection for the VFD / inverter nr. 2.
A23inverter-3 no-linkMissing or lost connection for the VFD / inverter nr. 3.
A24inverter-1 errorError, alarm, or fault on the VFD / inverter nr. 1.
A25inverter-2 errorError, alarm, or fault on the VFD / inverter nr. 2.
A26inverter-3 errorError, alarm, or fault on the VFD / inverter nr. 3.
A27excessive probe spreadExcessive difference between minimum and maximum temperatures among product probe set.
A28low product temperatureLow temperature limit in product has been reached.
A29excessive set distanceExcessive difference between temperature set point and whichever product probe.

Slave alarm list

Display Alarm
A96slave EEPROMFailed write operation onto the slave EEPROM.
A97out of rangeThe slave address EdS might be out of the master range, the latter going from 1 to PdS.
A98no linkThe slave does not receive any message from the master.
A99lost linkThe slave lost the communication with the master.

Button list

Push button Function
B1esc - stop - silenceExit without saving from any menu - door/curtain stop - alarm buzzer silence.
B2up - openUp navigation in the menu - door opening.
B3on / stand-byToggle between on and stand-by.
B4left - light - rollLeft navigation in the menu - switch the light on and off - roll the curtain.
B5down - closeDown navigation in the menu - door closure.
B6right-menu-set-unrollRight navigation in the menu - display and modify set point - enter the menu - unroll the curtain.
B7light - door - alarmRemote button near to the door inside the room: switch on the light, open the door, and trigger man-in-room alarm.
B8curtainRemote button near to the depressure box inside the room: switch on and off the curtain unrolling.

Led list

Led Function
L1coolingOn during cooling.
L2depressureOn when all depressure fans are running.
L3humidityOn when humidification is active.
L4air renewOn during air renew - blinking slowly during pause and delay.
L5heatingOn during heating - blinking slowly during activation delay.
L6ethyleneOn during ethylene injection - blinking slowly when waiting for three events: temperature threshold (_tY), following injections (_nY), first air renew (rYA).
L7lightOn when lighting is on - blinking slowly during deactivation delay.

Soft command list

Soft command Function
1new ripeningStart a new ripening. Save the one in progress, if any. Reset the ripening counter.
2end ripeningEnd the ripening in progress, if any, and save it. Go to final temperature _t5. Do not cancel planned air renew.
3store greenExecute end ripening command, then go to green product storage.
7reset rip serial nrReset to zero the counter of ripening serial number, loosing the total number of ripenings.
8reset consumptionReset to zero the total consumption counter, loosing the accumulated value.
9reset VFD 1Reset the alarms of VFD / inverter nr. 1.
10reset VFD 2Reset the alarms of VFD / inverter nr. 2.
11reset VFD 3Reset the alarms of VFD / inverter nr. 3.
12fan reversalWhen the mode of depression fan reversal is set to "auto", toggle rotation between normal and reverse. When the mode is set to "off" or "once", toggle the mode itself.

How to ...

How to ... Function
Switch between on and stand-by.Keep pressed B3 button, to activate and deactivate stand-by. In stand-by every output is disabled except light, leds from L1 to L6 blink, timers continue to count.
Program the menu.Keep pressed B6 to enter the menu. Navigate up and down with B2 and B5. Select the submenu by B6. Change the parameter by B2 and B5, press B6 to confirm, or B4 to go back without saving. The changes will have effect after the exit from programming pressing B4 repeatedly. Press B1 to exit immediately without saving any parameter.
Show or change temperature set.Press shortly B6 - the display shows the current set point - change it by B2 and B5, and confirm it by B6. As alternative, enter the menu program as explained above, modify the parameter _t0, then confirm it.
Reset timers.For the resettable controls in the menu program, confirming "rES", then confirming "on_" or "oFF", has the joint effect of resetting timers and going into the enabled or disabled status.
Enter ripening mode.Keep pressed B6+B3. As alternative, enter the menu program as explained above, set the parameter rrH, reset it in case it is a new ripening, then confirm it.
Enter storage mode.Keep pressed B6+B1. As alternative, enter the menu program as explained above, set to oFF the parameter rrH, then confirm it.
Door operation.Push B2 to open, B5 to close, and B1 to stop. If you are inside the room and the door is closed, press B7 once to switch on the light, press again to open the door, and again to trigger the man in room alarm. During door operation display shows "OPE" or "CLO". By default, when the door is open, the light is on and every other output is off. By default, door operation is disabled after the first ethylene injection and before subsequent air renew.
Curtain operation.For safety reason, the curtain can be operated only when the door is fully open and the light is on. To activate the keyboard for the curtain, keep pressed B6+B4, then press shortly B6 or B8 to unroll, B4 to roll, B1 to stop, and again B1 to exit curtain mode. During curtain operation, every output is disabled. The display shows "Cur" with the curtain idle, "Unr" during unrolling, and "rOL" during rolling.

Shortcut list

Buttons to press Shortcut description - keep pressed 5 seconds
B6+B3 Enter ripening mode.
B6+B1 Enter storage mode.
B6+B4 Activate the keyboard for curtain operation.
B6+B2 Force an immediate air renew.
B6+B5 Force an immediate ethylene injection.

Led and push button location

Led and push button legend.

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